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Acrobatic Adept

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Acrobatic Adepte

Rogues who choose the Acrobatic Adept track rely on their athletic abilities to keep out of danger. Your Key Defensive Modifier is Constitution, as performing such an impressive series of dodges is incredibly draining.


1st Circle - Just That QuickEX

You learn to react to attacks with stunning alacrity, sometimes dodging a blow that would otherwise pierce your armor. Once per [Round] per circle you possess from this track, when an opponent who is not [Concealed] or [Fully concealed] makes an attack against you, if you are not [Entangled], you may make a Reflex save and use the result in place of your AC against that attack if the result is higher than your AC.

2nd Circle - EvasionEX

Once per [Encounter], if you make a successful Reflex saving throw against an offensive action that normally deals half damage on a successful save, you may instead take no damage.

Additionally, you gain a bonus to Reflex saves equal to 1/4th your level (minimum 1).

3rd Circle - Supersonic ManEX

You gain a 10 ft bonus to your movement speed and a +1 bonus to AC, and you gain a [Bonus attack] whenever you take an attack action.

4th Circle - Don't Stop Me NowEX

You can slip out of any bonds, even magical ones, and dexterously dive over any obstacle. You gain [Immunity] to effects with the [Binding] descriptor, and moving out of a square of difficult terrain does not cost you extra movement.

5th Circle - Artful DodgerEX

Your sweet moves have become things of beauty. You never provoke attacks of opportunity.

6th Circle - No SellEX

Once per [Encounter], any time during a [Round], you may make a Reflex save. You may use the result of this save to replace the results of any Fortitude or Will saves you make for the rest of the [Round].

7th Circle - Faster Than the EyeEX

Your exceedingly acrobatic movements, like the unpredictable movements of a fly, fool the eyes of those attempting to harm you. Whenever you use Just that Quick and your opponent's attack roll misses, you gain 20% [Miss chance] for one [Round]. This stacks with itself, but not other sources, up to a maximum of 80% [Miss chance].