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Arcane Blade

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Arcane Blade

Creation [Arming] [Force]
Circle: Tactician 3
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Range: 0 ft
Effect: Sword made of pure force
Duration: [Encounter]
Saving Throw: Will negates; see text

This spell creates a weapon of pure force on your person. When you cast this spell, choose three weapon properties other than [Barbed], [Elemental], and [Quick-draw]. You may draw the weapon immediately with no action cost. The weapon has the chosen weapon properties. Whenever a creature deals damage with an attack using this weapon, it deals additional damage equal to your level and all damage it deals with the attack gains the [Force] descriptor. For each opponent, the first time each [Round] that you hit that opponent with an attack made using this weapon, that opponent becomes [Shaken] for one [Round]. A successful Will save negates the [Shaken] condition.

If you are disarmed or put down the force weapon, the spell ends.