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Bastion: The Seven Circles of Protection


1st Circle - The ShieldSU

As a swift action, you may create a spread with a radius of 10 ft plus 5 ft per two character levels you possess originating from you called the Bastion Aura. This spread moves with you.

Whenever a spell of first circle or lower that has a duration targets you, if it is not a copy, you may project it. To project a spell, create a copy of that spell for each other ally within your Bastion Aura. That spell and each of those copies become bonded to one another and gain "When a [Dispelling] effect ends this spell, end all spells bonded to it," that spell gains "When this spell ends, end all spells bonded to it," and each of those copies gains "You gain this spell’s effect only while you are within the Bastion Aura of the ally who created this spell." Then you cast each of those copies targeting a different one of those allies. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity and counts as casting those spells only for the purpose of those spells' effects and abilities of this track.

As a swift action, you may end this spread.

2nd Circle - The GuantletSU

Whenever a spell of second circle of lower that has a duration targets you, if it is not a copy, you may project it.

3rd Circle - The MantleSU

Whenever a spell of third circle of lower that has a duration targets you, if it is not a copy, you may project it. Each [Encounter], the first [Dispelling] effect made against a bonded spell you cast fails.

4th Circle - The ArmorSU

Whenever a spell of fourth circle of lower that has a duration targets you, if it is not a copy, you may project it. Additionally, each ally gains a +3 deflection bonus to AC as long as it is within the Bastion Aura.

5th Circle - The SoulSU

Whenever a spell of fifth circle of lower that has a duration targets you, if it is not a copy, you may project it. Each [Encounter], the second [Dispelling] effect made against a bonded spell you cast fails.

6th Circle - The ReadySU

Each ally gains a pool of points equal to half your character level. Without taking an action, an ally may spend any number of points from their pool after they know the numerical result of a single saving throw, attack roll, or skill check they made to add a bonus to that roll equal to the number of points spent. These points may only be spent while the ally is affected by the Bastion Aura. The pool refreshes each [Scene].

7th Circle - The StrongSU

When an ally within the Bastion Aura is reduced to -1 or fewer hit points from 0 or more hit points, it gains [Immunity] to [Dying], [Unconscious], [Stable], and [Dead] for one [Round].