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Discipline of the Crane

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Discipline of the Crane


1st Circle - Fast MovementEX

You gain a bonus to your movement speed equal to 5 ft, plus an additional 5 ft per circle you possess from this track (to a maximum of a 40 ft bonus at 7th circle).

2nd Circle - Between the RaindropsEX

You gain a deflection bonus to Armor Class equal to the number of Discipline of the Crane circles you possess.

3rd Circle - Through the CloudsEX

You gain the Fly movement mode.

4th Circle - Deftly StrikingEX

As a standard action you may make an attack action at any time during a movement, and continue that movement afterwards.

5th Circle - Journy of the CraneSU

You can take a great step as with the long legs of the crane, seeking new challenges to face or new lessons to learn. Once per [Scene] as a standard action, you can use teleport, as the spell.

6th Circle - Gust of ActionEX

You can ride the wind at overwhelming speeds. Once per [Encounter], plus an additional time per [Encounter] per four character levels you possess, as a swift action, you can gain an extra move action on your current turn.

7th Circle - Phoenix RebornSU

As the avatar of the crane, you become an entirely otherworldly being. Once per [Scene], if you become [Dead] or are rendered [Unconscious], you are revived with full hit points one [Round] after your death or knockout. You can choose not to return, if you believe that your impact on the multiverse is complete.