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Flame Blade

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Flame Blade

Evocation [Arming] [Fire]
Circle: Shaman 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: [Close]
Target: One ally's weapon
Duration: [Scene]
Saving Throw: None

When you cast this spell, the target weapon burns with an aura of flame. The weapon gains the [Elemental] property, dealing all damage (including additional damage) as energy damage with the [Fire] descriptor. If the weapon already possesses the [Elemental] property, this spell changes the damage it deals to energy damage with the [Fire] descriptor until the end of the [Scene].

Additionally, whenever a creature deals damage with an attack made using that weapon, it deals additional damage equal to half your level.

Special: When you learn this spell, you may replace all above instances of [Fire] in this spell with [Electricity], [Cold], or [Acid]. If you do, it gains that descriptor and loses the [Fire] descriptor. You may learn this spell multiple times.