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Creation [Ground]
Circle: Tactician 1
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: [Close]
Effect: 15 ft radius spread of slippery grease originating from target square
Duration: [Encounter]
Saving Throw: Reflext partial; see text

You create a pool of slippery grease on any horizontal surface within range. When you cast the spell, and at the beginning of your turn each [Round] until the end of the [Encounter], each creature in the area of the spell's effect immediately falls [Prone]. A successful Reflex save negates the effect.

For each creature, the first time each [Round] it attempts to exit a square in the area of the spell's effect, it falls [Prone] and cannot move that [Round]. A successful Reflex save negates the effect.

Each creature within the area of the spell's effect suffers a penalty equal to half its movement speed to its movement speed.