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Heroica: The Seven Circles of Endings


1st Circle - The Blade and the BowEX

When you gain this ability, designate target ally other than yourself as your partner. You also become its partner. A creature with a partner cannot be designated as another creature's partner and no creature can have more than one partner at a time. Once per [Scene], you may designate a different ally other than yourself to be your partner. You and your partner both add half your respective levels to damage with your attacks (minimum 1). If your partner also has this ability, the damage bonuses stack.

2nd Circle - Of Might and GuileEX

Choose one of the following abilities (this choice is permanent):

  • Might: As a swift action, if your partner is within [Medium] range, you may deal damage equal to your KOM to all opponents within your [Close] range of your partner. This damage ignores [Immunity] and cannot be mitigated or reduced.
  • Guile: You can spend a move action to double your partner's critical threat range for one [Round]. Your partner also gains this ability, but cannot use it in a [Round] where you have used it.

3rd Circle - The Just and the UnjustEX

Your partner gains the benefits of a Lesser item or Greater item you are attuned to as if they possessed a duplicate of that item and were attuned to it. You cannot choose a duplicate of an item to which your partner is already attuned.

4th Circle - The Truth and the FollyEX

Whenever you attack an opponent against which your partner took an offensive action within the last [Round], you may ignore the highest applicable [Miss chance]. Whenever your partner attacks an opponent against which you took an offensive action within the last [Round], your partner may ignore the highest applicable [Miss chance].

5th Circle - The Quick and the DeadEX

While within your [Close] range, your partner gains [Resistance] to all damage dealt by opponents within your [Close] range.

6th Circle - Aleph and NullEX

When either you or your partner kills an opponent, you each heal 25 HP and may each immediately take two 5 ft steps.

7th Circle - With Your Shield or On ItEX

You don't die until your partner would also be [Dead]. This only works if you are within 100 ft of each other and have line of effect. If either of those conditions ceases to be met, you die instantly if this ability was currently sustaining you. If your partner has this ability, it does not make you immortal.