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Iron Magi

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Iron Magi

By connecting a sequence of attacks and arcane abilities, called a Chain, you can call on the powerful abilities known as Chain finishers.

Your Chain has a length of zero at the beginning of each [Encounter]. A chain is measured by the number of Links in it. Whenever you make a successful melee attack, you may add one Link to your Chain. Iron Magi abilities called Chain components add one Link to your Chain whenever they are activated, even if they include attacks within them. Each Chain component is activated during an attack action to replace one or more melee attacks in that attack action, and each can be activated once per [Round]. Attacks made as part of a Chain component cannot be replaced as part of another Chain component.

Each Chain finisher can be activated as a swift action once per [Round], and can only be activated if the Chain has a certain number of Links or more, specified in the text of each ability. As part of each Chain Finisher, you may [Teleport] up to 5 ft per Link in the Chain, which lets you close gaps and bring home the attack. You can choose to [Teleport] before or after the effect of the Chain finisher, and this [Teleport] does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Activating a Chain finisher ends the current Chain, reducing the number of Links in it to zero.


1st Circle - A Cadence of BlowsEX

From the Tempo comes the simplest Chain component, which trades immediate opportunities for a long-term advantage by throwing an opponent off balance. A Cadence of Blows replaces a single melee attack in an attack action, and when activated, grants you a +1 bonus to attack rolls against a single opponent within [Melee] range and a +1 bonus to AC. These bonuses stack twice at 1st circle, three times at 3rd circle, four times at 5th circle, and five times at 7th circle.

A Cadence of Blows can also be activated as a Chain finisher when you have a chain of at least one Link long.

2nd Circle - How of the North WindSU

This explosion of the biting and arctic first wind can be activated as a Chain finisher that requires at least one Link in your Chain. You create a 30 ft radius spread originating from you that deals damage equal to your character level to all opponents in the area and renders them [Blown away] or [Prone], at your choice. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1⁄2 your level + your Key Offensive Modifier) negates the [Blown away] or [Prone] conditions.

3rd Circle - Beloved of the DiraeSU

You gain a [Bonus attack] whenever you take an attack action. In addition, you may call on the principle of lightning through the spirits of celestial anger called Dirae. This is a Chain component that replaces two melee attacks in an attack action to strike an opponent with a rain of sparks. You may make a single melee attack against a creature within your [Medium] range. Regardless of whether the attack hits or misses, you create a 35 ft radius spread originating from your target that lasts for one [Round]. For each opponent, the first time that opponent moves into or begins its turn in this spread, it takes energy damage with the [Electricity] descriptor equal to your character level. Opponents in the spread at the end of the spread's duration are dealt energy damage with the [Electricity] descriptor equal to twice your level.

4th Circle - Scream of the Black SkySU

With the festering darkness of the second wind, you conjure a swirl of violent black clouds as a Chain finisher that requires at least two Links in your chain. Up to three target opponents within your [Close] range take damage equal to twice your character level, and are [Blinded] for two [Rounds]. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1⁄2 your level + your KOM) halves the [Blinded] duration. Scream of the Black Sky may be activated three times per [Encounter].

5th Circle - Staccato BlastwaveSU

As a Chain component that replaces two melee attacks in an attack action, you invoke the Principle of Thunder to create a ripple of violent sound that shatters bone and tears flesh. You make a single melee attack, which deals damage as normal, plus additional damage equal to twice your character level plus your KOM. If the attack misses, you still deal damage equal to twice your character level plus your KOM to its target.

6th Circle - Bellow of the Deep EarthSU

Roaring and sudden, you call the underground current of the third wind forth as a Chain finisher that requires at least three Links in your chain. You create a 50 ft radius spread originating from you that deals damage equal to three times your character level to all opponents in the area and renders them [Prone] and [Entangled]. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1⁄2 your level + your KOM) negates the [Prone] and [Entangled] conditions. Bellow of the Deep Earth may be activated three times per [Encounter].

7th Circle - Mastery of Law

As the curious tenets of your art become obvious to you, you begin to grasp a great and terrible truth. You gain the following abilities:

  • Magnum OpusEX: All of your Chain components and successful melee attacks add an additional Link to your Chain.
  • Roar of the Storm LordsSU: Once per [Encounter], you may activate this ability as a Chain finisher that requires at least seven Links in your Chain. You create a spread with a radius of your [Medium] range originating from you, which deals damage equal to three times your character level to all opponents in the area, and renders them [Battered] for two [Rounds], knocks them [Prone], and repositions each of them up to 70 ft each to squares of your choice. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1⁄2 your level + your Key Offensive Modifier) negates the repositioning effect and the [Prone] condition.