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Circle: Shaman 7
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: See text
Target/Effect: See text
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: See text

A miracle is among the most powerful effects that you can produce. It can accomplish any one of the following tasks:

  • Resurrection: You revive a [Dead] or [Uncon­scious] creature within [Close] range, healing it to its maximum HP and negating the [Dead] and [Unconscious] conditions.
  • Anyspell: You can duplicate any spell on the shaman spell list of the 6th circle or lower, or any spell on the tactician spell list of the 5th circle or lower. The spell is adjudicated exactly as if you had cast that spell, and if it has a casting time greater than 1 standard action you must use the greater casting time.
  • Spell Disjunction: You immediately end up to three target effects created by spells or spell-like abilities whose durations are not instantaneous and which are centered on a creature or square within range or which targeted a creature within range. This is a [Dispelling] effect.
  • Word of Recall: You and all other willing allies within [Long] range are immediately transferred to an area you consider safe, which can be at any range. This is a [Teleport] [Warp] effect.