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Path of Destruction

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Path of Destruction


1st Circle - CleaveEX

Once per [Round] as a swift action, when you hit an opponent with a melee attack and deal damage to that opponent with that attack, you may compare your attack roll from that attack to the AC of another target opponent within [Melee] range. If the attack roll equals or exceeds that opponent’s AC, you deal damage to that opponent equal to the damage dealt by the attack. This ability is not an attack.

2nd Circle - WhirlwindEX

If you would make one or more melee attacks during your standard action, you may add the [Volley] descriptor to a single one of those attacks; this attack with the [Volley] descriptor is applied against every opponent in [Melee] range.

3rd Circle - Disrupting PresenceEX

You are a living force of entropy, and creatures who attempt mental focus close to you suffer the consequences. For each opponent, the first time in a [Round] that opponent activates a spell, spell-like, or supernatural ability within your [Melee] range, that opponent takes damage equal to your character level.

4th Circle - Terrifying PresenceEX

Once per [Round] at the beginning of your turn, opponents within your [Melee] range become [Shaken]. A successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your Charisma modifier) negates the effect. This application of the [Shaken] condition doesn't stack with itself, but stacks normally with other [Fear] effects. This is a [Mind-affecting] [Fear] effect.

5th Circle - Path of BladesEX

When you use the Charge maneuver you can make a single additional attack with the [Volley] descriptor as you make the Charge; this attack with the [Volley] descriptor is applied to all opponents within [Melee] range of squares you move into as part of the Charge. This attack deals damage equal to three times your KOM.

6th Circle - Greater CleaveEX

Activating Cleave no longer requires a swift action and it can be used any number of times per [Round] (though you may only activate Cleave once per melee attack you make that hits an opponent and deals damage to that opponent). You may only activate Cleave once per attack you make.

7th Circle - Deadly PresenceEX

When an opponent begins their turn within your [Melee] range, it takes damage equal to your level + your Key Offensive Modifier and is [Battered] for one [Round]. This ability can be turned on or off as a swift action.