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Runesong Scholar

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Runesong Scholar

Names are power, but few know how to use that to their advantage. By studying the language of the universe, you have gained control over the magic of names and can bend reality to your will through those words alone.

When you select this track, choose your highest Spellcasting Ability Modifier (SAM), or if you do not have a SAM, your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier. This becomes your Track Ability Modifier (TAM) for this track. The save DC for abilities under this track is equal to 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Track Ability Modifier.


1st Circle - SemanticsSU

You gain access to the following abilities which may be activated as a swift action, at will:

  • Know Truenames: You have learned how to glean the true name of another, even if they do not know it themselves. At will, you may force a creature within [Close] range to surrender the knowledge of its true name. A successful Will save negates this effect and gives the creature [Immunity] to this ability for the remainder of the [Scene].
  • Heed My Words: You can speak a true name to make its owner painfully aware of your words. The creature hears the next sentence you speak regardless of distance, and if it is within [Extreme] range it is [Shaken] for 1 [Round] at your option. It is a [Fear], [Mind-affecting] ability if you choose to make your target [Shaken].

2nd Circle - Trace the LinesSU

You gain access to the following abilities which may be activated as a swift action, at will:

  • Affirmation of Existence: You can speak a creature's true name that you know to reveal the creature's location. This makes you and your allies aware of the creature's cardinal direction if it is within [Extreme] range, or precise location if within [Medium] range, and this causes the creature to be [Revealed] for one [Round]. You do not need line of sight or effect to the creature to activate this ability.
  • Denial of Existence: You may intentionally mangle one true name you know. If the true name's owner is within [Medium] range, he takes damage equal to twice your TAM.

3rd Circle - Will of the ElementsSU

You gain access to the following abilities:

  • Song Shield: Through practice in the tongue from which all things were formed, you gain an unspoken bond with the base elements. At the beginning of your turn, you gain a Song Shield that grants [Lesser resistance] against the next source of energy damage you suffer. Song Shields accumulate during an [Encounter] and stack with one another, but each time you are dealt energy damage, a single Song Shield dissipates. All Song Shields dissipate at the end of each [Encounter].
  • Moniker: You may not know the true name of every blade of grass, but you can craft temporary "nicknames" for them. Once per [Encounter] as a swift action, you may give a Moniker to one creature per level you possess within [Close] range. The Moniker expires at the end of the [Encounter]. A Moniker can be used in the place of a proper true name.

4th Circle - The Earth CallsSU

You can send the earth up to meet someone, like a particularly ungentlemanly caller. At will, you may cause a creature within [Close] range whose true name you know to take damage equal to your character level and be [Slowed] for two [Rounds]. A successful Reflex save negates the [Slowed] condition. You cannot choose the same target for The Earth Calls more than once per [Encounter].

You do not need line of sight or effect to the creature to activate this ability.

5th Circle - Ubbreakable OathEX

Oathsworn and Ethereal: [Oathsworn] and [Ethereal] are conditions inflicted by the Runesong Scholar's abilities. They have no inherent effects.

The first time each [Encounter] that a given creature is targeted by one of your Runesong abilities that is not Know Truenames or Moniker, that creature becomes [Oathsworn] to you for the rest of the [Encounter]. While the creature is [Oathsworn] to you, if it would take an offensive action that targets you, that action is not taken. A successful Will save allows the creature to take the action; an unsuccessful Will save renders the creature no longer [Oathsworn] to you.

6th Circle - AbjureSU

For a brief moment, you can convince the universe that a creature doesn't exist. If you know the true name of target creature within [Medium] range and if that creature had not been targeted by this ability this [Encounter], as a swift action you may render the creature [Ethereal] for one [Round] . A successful Will save negates this effect. While a creature is [Ethereal] as a result of this ability, line of sight is blocked between the creature and other creatures besides you and line of effect is blocked between the creature and any other creature's attack, ability, or effect. You do not need line of sight or effect to the creature to use this ability.

7th Circle - UnnameSU

You gain the ultimate power over true names – the knowledge of their destruction. At will as a standard action you can cause a creature within [Close] range whose true name you know to suffer [HP reduction] equal to half of their maximum hit points. A successful Will save negates this effect. You do not need line of sight or effect to the creature to activate this ability.