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Silent Halls

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Silent Halls

Opening your mind to the thoughts of another requires a place free from distractions, and you have found such a place.
Benefit: At will, as a free action, you may form a telepathic mindlink with a single willing creature within [Close] range. You and the creatures you are mindlinked to may communicate with each other from any distance, as if you were each targets of a world mind spell you had cast.

You may have any number of mindlinks with allies who also possess the Silent Halls, and up to three mindlinks with allies who do not. Once per [Scene], you may attempt to form a mindlink with an ally from any distance instead of within [Close] range. If you are mindlinked to the target of a world mind spell, you may communicate with any target of that spell as if you were also a target. You may dismiss any mindlinks formed as a free action, and mindlinks you form expire at the end of [Scene].