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Silent Image

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Silent Image

Evocation [Figment]
Circle: Tactician 1
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: [Long]
Effect: Visual figment that cannot extend beyond four 10-ft cubes + one 10-ft cube/level
Duration: [Encounter]
Saving Throw: Will; see text

This spell creates a static, illusionary image of objects, creatures, or forces, as visualized by the caster. As a move action, you may replace the image with a different such image.

The image appears real to and blocks the line of sight of all creatures except you, creatures whose Awareness surpass your Believability check result, and creatures who make a successful Will save against this spell.

Upon casting this spell, you make a Believability check (1d20 + your level + your Intelligence modifier). The caster, creatures whose Awareness surpass your Believability check result, and creatures who make a successful Will save against this spell know immediately when perceiving the image that it is an illusion, seeing only a shadowy outline that does not meaningfully obstruct their senses instead. [Blinded] creature and creatures with [Blindsight], [Ghostwise sight] or [Tremorsense] have [Immunity] to this spell. Additionally, [Blinded] creatures do not perceive this spell at all. Once per [Round], as a swift or immediate action, or as part of a move action, a creature that recognizes the image is likely an illusion may make a Will save to disbelieve it.

Whenever a creature with line of sight to the image is dealt damage or forced to make a saving throw by an effect to which its line of sight is blocked by the image, it recognizes the image is likely an illusion.