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Will-O'-Wisp Lantern

From LegendWiki

Will-O'-Wisp Lantern

This black iron lantern contains a glowing orb that sheds a pale light through intricately wrought glass panes. When released it follows you, hovering eerily in mid air.
Benefit: A Will-O’-Wisp Lantern has several useful functions.

A Will-O’-Wisp lantern provides pale light that is visible only to the owner of the lantern, permitting the owner to see up to 60 ft as clear as though it were day, even through magical darkness created by abilities of fourth circle or lower.

Furthermore, as a swift or part of a move action, you may place a 60 ft radius spread of bright light originating from target square within [Close] range. This light is visible only to those you designated as allies when the light is placed. The light provides illumination within its radius, and lasts until the end of the [Scene] or until extinguished as a free action from any distance.