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Ancient Reliquary

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Ancient Reliquary

You would swear you hear something crawling inside.
Benefit: Once per [Scene], as a free action, you may open the reliquary to release an adorable disembodied hand onto target square within [Melee] range. You gain line of sight from the hand’s square.

Once per [Round], as a free action, you may move the hand up to your movement speed, though obstacles may block its movement. Once per [Round], as a free action, you may make a Stealth check as if you were occupying the hand’s square. If this check surpasses an opponent’s Awareness, that opponent cannot establish line of sight to the hand until the end of your next turn.

If the hand is within an opponent’s [Close] range, that opponent may take a standard action to kill the hand. The hand disappears when it dies, or at the end of the [Scene].