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Bag of Tricks

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Bag of Tricks


1st Circle - Surgical PrecisionEX

Once per [Encounter] per circle of Bag of Tricks you possess, as a swift action, when you create a spread, line, or wedge without a duration, you may remove any number of squares from the area of the effect or rearrange them so long as each square in the area of the effect is adjacent to at least one other square in the area of the effect. Each square must be within range of the square or creature from which the spread, line, or wedge originates if the effect has a range, or within a distance from the square or creature from which the spread, line, or wedge originates equal to its length or radius if it does not.

2nd Circle - Early WarningEX

You and all allies within 30 ft gain a bonus to initiative checks equal to 1/4 your level (minimum 1).

3rd Circle - Bait and SwitchSU

Once per 4 levels per [Encounter] as a move action, if you have line of sight to two allies who are each within 10 ft per your character level of your location, you can switch the positions of those two allies. You can use this ability to switch yourself with another ally. This is a [Warp] effect.

4th Circle - The Enemy You KnowSU

You have [Resistance] to energy and magic damage.

5th Circle - DewomerbreakerSU

Once per [Encounter] as a standard action, you may empower the attacks of allies within 30 ft until the beginning of your next turn. The first time each ally under this effect hits an opponent with an attack, they may end a single target effect created by a spell or spell-like ability that has a duration and that originates from the opponent or targeted the opponent. This is a [Dispelling] effect.

6th Circle - Saw That ComingSU

Once per [Encounter] as an immediate action you can negate an offensive action that targets you specifically. This includes targeted spells, abilities, or attacks, but not area effects. The offensive action still counts as having been activated for the purpose of any resource cost (such as spell slots), and if an action was spent for the offensive action, that action counts as having been used.

7th Circle - CheckmateSU

Once per [Encounter] as a standard action you can imprison an opponent within your [Close] range for the next 2 [Rounds]. The opponent is incapable of acting or perceiving its surroundings, but it gains [Immunity] to damage and [HP reduction], it cannot be targeted by an attack or ability, and line of effect is blocked between the creature and any attack, ability, or effect. A successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your KOM) negates this effect, but leaves your target [Dazed] for 1 [Round].