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Battle's Tempering

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Track Name


1st Circle - Rather Quick Than DeadEX

Moving out of a square of difficult terrain does not cost you extra movement. In addition, choose one of the following options. This choice is permanent:

  • Shoot First: You gain a bonus equal to half your level (minimum 1) on initiative checks.
  • Gain Ground: You can take an additional 5 ft step each [Round].

2nd Circle - Dive for CoverEX

Once per [Encounter], when you make a successful Reflex saving throw against an offensive action that would normally have a lesser effect on a successful save (such as a spell with a save of "Reflex half"), you instead ignore the effect entirely.

3rd Circle - For IreEX

You gain [Fast healing] equal to your Key Defensive Modifier, and becoming [Flat-footed] does not prevent you from making attacks of opportunity or taking immediate actions.

4th Circle - Look of a SurvivorEX

You gain [Resistance] to physical damage.

5th Circle - It Has Been an HonorEX

You are a true expert at getting the hell out of Dodge. You gain [Immunity] to [Binding] effects. In addition, once per [Round], as a move action or as part of a move action, you can fade into your environment, duplicating the effects of the invisibility spell.

6th Circle - GhostEX

You resist magical and technological attempts to locate you. Items, spells, and supernatural and spell-like abilities cannot be used to establish line of sight to you. Divination spells cannot be used to track or locate you. Additionally, you ignore bonuses to opponents' Awareness from items, spells, and supernatural and spell-like abilities.

7th Circle - A Masterpiece in ViolenceEX

Once per [Encounter], if you would take 60 or more damage from a single attack, effect, or ability, you may immediately make an attack action against the source of the damage. If this attack action kills your target, you take no damage.