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If more than one condition affects a character, apply them all; however, multiple copies of the same condition do not stack unless the condition description specifies otherwise. If certain effects can't combine, apply the most severe effect.

The Fear Ladder

Fear Ladder Values
Condition Severity Increase
[Cowering] 12 -
[Panicked] 7 +5
[Frightened] 3 +3
[Shaken] 1 +2

[Fear] effects function with increasing severity if a character is already afraid. It is helpful to think of [Fear] effects as a "ladder", with the worst condition at the top and less-severe conditions stacking on top of each other to create more severe effects.

Each application of a condition increases a creature's total fear level by the given amount, and when the total equals or exceeds the Severity of a given condition, the creature is afflicted with that condition instead of the previous one. If a creature afflicted with a given condition is affected by an effect that removes a lesser condition, subtract the corresponding adjustment from the creature's total fear level, and change the creature's fear condition as needed.



The creature's current HP cannot be increased by any effect, rendering them effectively immune to healing. This does not prevent them from gaining temporary HP.

This condition is automatically removed from a [Dying], [Stable], [Unconscious], or [Dead] creature. Unless otherwise noted, this condition expires at the end of the [Encounter].


A creature that is [Bleeding] suffers 1d4 [HP reduction] each [Round] at the beginning of its turn plus an additional 1d4 [HP reduction] for every [Round] it has continuously been [Bleeding]. This condition lasts three [Rounds], but the duration resets each time an effect would inflict it. Affected creatures may spend a move action to remove this condition, but doing so provokes attacks of opportunity.


The creature cannot see, and the resulting disorientation causes a -4 penalty on Perception checks. The creature treats all creatures as if they were [Invisible]. (Special vision modes like [Tremorsense] are as effective as always.)

Blown Away

A creature can be [Blown away] in a specific direction by winds of high velocity. A non-[Flying] or non-[Soaring] creature that is blown away is knocked [Prone] and rolls 1d4 × 10 ft, away from the source of the effect unless otherwise specified. A [Flying] or [Soaring] creature that is [Blown away] is blown 2d6 × 10 ft instead.


[Burrowing] creatures move through earth, soil, and sediment with relative ease. [Burrowing] creatures are deep enough underground that a non-[Burrowing] creature may only target them with [Ground] effects or if they are in its [Melee] range. However, [Burrowing] creatures are close enough to the ground that they can be caught in [Ground] and area effects. A Burrowing] creature may only target non-[Burrowing] creatures if they are within its [Melee] range. [Burrowing] otherwise does not affect line of effect or line of sight. [Burrowing] creatures are only considered adjacent to other [Burrowing] creatures.

[Burrowing] creatures ignore above-ground obstacles that are not specifically identified as affecting [Burrowing] creatures, such as walls with shallow foundations, and moving out of a square of difficult terrain does not cost them extra movement. They are not at risk of suffocating due to the lack of air underground. A [Burrowing] creature can move through the space of a non-[Burrowing] creature, and vice versa, but cannot end a movement in that space.

As a standard action, if the creature did not gain the [Burrowing] condition this [Round], a [Burrowing] creature may lose the condition. Unless otherwise specified, a [Burrowing] creature is vulnerable to suffocation (Suffocation is a great band, and is also an Environmental Hazard).


A creature that is [Burning] takes 1d4 damage each [Round] at the beginning of its turn plus an additional 1d4 damage for every [Round] it has continuously been [Burning]. The damage is not subject to [Damage reduction] or [Resistance]. This condition lasts three [Rounds], but the duration resets each time an effect would inflict it. Creatures may spend a move action to remove this condition from themselves or a creature within [Melee] range, but doing so provokes attacks of opportunity.



A creature that is [Checked] is prevented from achieving forward motion by an applied force, such as wind. [Checked] creatures that are not [Flying] or [Soaring] cannot choose to move in one or more specified directions. A [Flying] or [Soaring] creature is blown back 1d6 × 10 ft in the opposite direction, unless this condition prevents choice of movement in all directions, in which case it is not blown back. This is a [Binding] effect.


A [Concealed] creature is partially obscured by a cloud, [Glamer] effect, or other object or effect that does not outright stop attacks. Attacks targeting a [Concealed] creature suffer a 20% [Miss chance].


[Confused] Random Actions
1-10 Attack the source of the condition (or move towards it if attacking is not possible)
11-20 Act normally
21-50 Do nothing but babble incoherently
51-70 Run with its standard action and move with its move action if either action is available
71-100 Move toward and (if possible) take an attack action against the nearest creature

A [Confused] creature cannot determine its own actions. If an opponent takes an offensive action against a [Confused] creature, that opponent becomes the [Confused] creature's jerk. The creature takes offensive actions against the jerk on its next turn (as long as it is still [Confused] when that turn comes), moving toward it as necessary. A [Confused] creature may attempt to leave an area of effect created by an offensive action so long as this would not prevent it from taking offensive actions against the jerk. A [Confused] creature may only make attacks of opportunity against the jerk.

If a [Confused] creature has no jerk to target, then its actions are determined by rolling d% at the beginning of its turn.

A [Confused] creature who can't carry out the indicated action does nothing but babble incoherently.


A [Covered] creature is protected from attack by some kind of obstruction (such as a wall or tree). A [Covered] creature gains a +2 bonus to AC.


The creature is frozen in fear and can take no actions. A [Cowering] creature takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class and loses her Key Defensive Modifier bonus to AC (if any).

Unless otherwise noted, this condition expires at the end of the [Encounter].


Damage Reduction

Whenever a creature with [Damage reduction] would take damage from a physical or untyped source (such as a melee attack, but not a [Fire] spell), it is reduced by a specific amount giv en in the description of the ability that granted you [Damage reduction]. Multiple sources of [Damage reduction] stack.


The creature is unable to act normally. A [Dazed] creature can take no actions other than a single 5 ft step per [Round], but has no penalty to AC.

The [Dazed] condition typically lasts 1 [Round].


The creature is unable to see well because of over-stimulation of the eyes. A [Dazzled] creature takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls and Perception checks. The [Dazzled] condition generally lasts no more than 5 [Rounds].

A [Blinded] creature has [Immunity] to being [Dazzled].


[Dead] creatures can neither sense their surroundings nor can they act in any way. They do not have line of effect or line of sight to any squares or creatures, though all other creatures may draw line of effect to them. A [Dead] creature cannot gain any other condition, and loses all other conditions besides [Lesser resistance], [Resistance], [Greater resistance], [Immunity], and [Vulnerability], unless otherwise stated in a track ability, feat, or item that grants or inflicts a certain condition. Likewise, a [Dead] creature loses all [HP reduction] and temporary HP, and cannot gain either. All of the [Dead] creature's abilities that are not activated by the creature becoming [Dead] and that do not have a duration cease to function while the creature is [Dead]. A [Dead] creature's magic items cease to function until the creature is no longer [Dead]. [Dead] creatures cannot benefit from any form of healing, but they can be restored to life via certain means. A [Dead] body decays normally unless preserved, but any ability that restores a [Dead] creature to life also restores the body to a certain state of health (just how much depends on the ability).


A [Deafened] creature cannot hear. It has a -5 penalty to Awareness and on Perception checks and has the results of its initiative reduced by 5. A creature does not act again on their new initiative until the next [Round].


A creature with exactly 0 hit points, or a [Stable] creature who is not [Unconscious], is [Disabled]. A [Disabled] creature may take only a single move action or standard action each [Round] (but not both, or swift or immediate actions), and suffers a penalty equal to half its movement speed to its movement speed. A [Disabled] creature that takes a standard action takes 1 damage, which ignores [Damage reduction] and [Resistance], after the action is completed.


A [Dying] creature is near death, and has negative hit points but is not [Dead]. A [Dying] creature is [Unconscious] for as long as it is [Dying]. At the end of each [Round], starting with the [Round] in which the creature gains this condition, the creature's recovery is subject to a percentile chance for failure; a d% roll under 91 means that the creature takes 1 point of damage, which ignores [Damage reduction] and [Resistance]. Otherwise, the creature ceases to be [Dying] and becomes [Stable]. Additionally, if a [Dying] creature's hit points reach an amount equal to the negative of its Constitution score or lower, it is [Dead]. If its hit points reach 0 or higher, it ceases to be [Dying].


Energy Drained

A creature with this condition suffers a -1 penalty to all d20 rolls and to Armor Class. Whenever a creature inflicts [Energy drained], the penalty from it stacks with any other penalties from [Energy drained], up to a maximum of the inflicting creature's highest circle. (This does not decrease the penalty if it is already higher than the inflicting creature's highest circle.)

Unless otherwise noted, [Energy drained] expires at the end of the [Scene].


Being [Entangled] impedes movement, but does not entirely prevent it. An [Entangled] creature suffers a penalty equal to half its movement speed to its movement speed, cannot Run or Charge, and takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls and AC. This is a [Binding] effect.


An [Exhausted] creature suffers a penalty equal to half its movement speed to its movement speed, can neither Run nor Charge, and takes a -2 penalty to d20 rolls. An hour of rest removes this condition and makes the creature [Fatigued] instead, but unless otherwise noted, this condition lasts until the end of the current [Scene]. A creature that is [Exhausted] cannot gain the [Fatigued] condition until it is no longer [Exhausted].



A [Fatigued] creature can neither Run nor Charge and takes a -1 penalty to d20 rolls. If a [Fatigued] creature would become [Fatigued], it becomes [Exhausted] instead. If a [Fatigued] creature becomes [Exhausted], it loses this condition. Unless otherwise noted, this condition lasts until the end of the current [Scene].


A creature who has not yet acted during a combat is [Flat-footed], not yet reacting normally to the situation. In addition, a creature is [Flat-footed] against attacks made by any creature to which it does not have line of sight. A [Flat-footed] creature cannot make attacks of opportunity or take immediate actions, and takes a -3 penalty to Armor Class.


[Flying] creatures are far enough above the ground that non-[Flying] creatures treat them as outside their [Melee] range (and vice versa), but at low enough altitude that they can be targeted by ranged weapons and are caught in area effects. [Flying] creatures are only considered adjacent to other [Flying] creatures.

[Flying] creatures ignore obstacles they can fly over that are not specifically identified as affecting [Flying] creatures, such as walls without ceilings, and moving out of a square of difficult terrain does not cost them extra movement. A [Flying] creature can move through the space of a non-[Flying] creature, and vice versa, but cannot end a movement in that space. [Flying] creatures have [Immunity] to [Ground] effects.

A creature that has the [Flying] condition for one [Round] without having or gaining the Fly movement mode loses that condition and falls, suffering a Trivial Fall, or worse at the GM's discretion. If the creature lost the condition in this way on its turn, it cannot voluntarily gain the [Burrowing], [Flying], [Swimming], or [Soaring] conditions until its next turn. Effects that remove this condition cause the creature to suffer a Trivial Fall unless otherwise specified by the effect or the GM.


A [Frightened] creature takes a -2 penalty to all d20 rolls, and must choose to fight or flee at the beginning of its turn each [Round]. If the creature decides to flee, its only available actions until the beginning of its next turn are to Run and use its move action(s) to move.

A [Frightened] creature that decides to fight on its turn must skip either a standard action or move action during its turn (This has no effect if the creature already skips a standard action or all its move actions due to other conditions). A [Frightened] creature that is unable to flee must fight. Unless otherwise noted, this condition expires at the end of the [Encounter].

Fully Concealed

A [Fully concealed] creature is barely visible. Attacks targeting a [Fully concealed] creature suffer a 50% [Miss chance].



A [Grappled] creature is restrained by one or more opponents in adjacent squares; these opponents are said to be "grappling" it. The [Grappled] creature loses any Stealth check result it may have had, can only ever move under its own power with [Teleport] effects, and the only actions it can make freely are attack actions or combat maneuvers against creatures that are grappling it.

A [Grappled] creature may remove the [Grappled] condition with a successful Reflex save made as a move or standard action, or use an extraordinary, spell-like, or supernatural ability or a spell with a successful Will save. It still uses the action required for that ability on a failed save. The DC of these saves is the highest among the grappling opponents of the following: 10 + 1/2 opponent's level + the higher of the opponent's Str or Dex modifiers + 1 for each additional grappling opponent.

Greater Resistance

Whenever a creature with [Greater resistance] to a particular damage type or descriptor would take damage from that damage type or would take damage with that descriptor, it is reduced by twice that creature's character level, or if the effect granting that creature [Greater resistance] does not originate from that creature, twice the character level of the effect's source. Effects that would ignore or reduce the effects of [Resistance] also apply to [Greater resistance]. [Resistance] and [Lesser resistance] do not stack with [Greater resistance].



A [Helpless] creature is held, bound, sleeping, or otherwise completely at an opponent's mercy. A [Helpless] target loses its KDM bonus to AC, can take no actions, and cannot choose to use abilities. Unless held upright or airborne, a [Helpless] creature loses [Flying] and is [Prone], but if it falls [Prone], ranged attacks made against it do not suffer the normal penalty.



A creature with [Immunity] to conditions, damage or effects with a particular descriptor, or damage of a particular type may choose to not be affected by those conditions, effects, or damage.


Visually undetectable. [Invisible] creatures are [Fully concealed] and gain a +5 bonus to Stealth rolls.

If an [Invisible] creature did not make a Stealth roll in the last [Round], at the beginning of its turn, it may compare (10 + its level + Dex - cumulative penalties to the Stealth skill + cumulative bonuses to the Stealth skill) to the Awareness defense of each creature with line of sight to it. If this number equals or exceeds that creature's Awareness defense, that creature loses line of sight to the [Invisible] creature. (Remember, the cumulative modifiers to the Stealth skill are those listed under the Stealth skill as cumulative to all Stealth checks over the course of an [Encounter] and do not include the bonus granted by the [Invisible] condition itself.)


Knocked Down

Depending on their size, creatures can be [Knocked down] by winds of high velocity or other forces. Creatures that are not [Flying] or [Soaring] are knocked [Prone]  by the force of the wind. [Flying] or [Soaring] creatures creatures are instead blown back 1d6 × 10 ft.


Lesser Resistance

Whenever a creature with [Lesser resistance] to a particular damage type or descriptor would take damage from that damage type or would take damage with that descriptor, it is reduced by half that creature's character level (minimum 1 point of reduction), or if the effect granting that creature [Lesser resistance] does not originate from that creature, half the character level of the effect's source (minimum 1 point of reduction). Effects that would ignore or reduce the effects of [Resistance] also apply to [Lesser resistance]. If a creature would gain [Lesser resistance] to the same damage type or descriptor from two sources, it gains [Resistance] to that damage type or descriptor instead. If a creature would gain [Lesser resistance] to the same damage type or descriptor from three or more sources, it gains [Greater resistance] instead.



Experiencing distress in whatever passes for a stomach. [Nauseated] creatures are unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring attention. The only action such a creature can take is a single move action per turn.

Unless otherwise noted, this condition lasts 1 [Round].



A [Panicked] creature takes a -2 penalty on all d20 rolls. A [Panicked] creature's only available actions are to Run and use its move action(s) to move.

Unless otherwise noted, this condition expires at the end of the [Encounter].


A [Paralyzed] creature is [Helpless]. A [Flying] creature that becomes [Paralyzed] loses the [Flying] condition and suffers a Trivial Fall, or worse at the GM's discretion. A [Soaring] creature that becomes [Paralyzed] loses the [Soaring] condition and suffers a Hazardous Fall, or Dramatic Plunge at the GM's discretion. A creature can move through a space occupied by a [Paralyzed] creature, whether or not the [Paralyzed] creature is an ally. Each square occupied by a [Paralyzed] creature, however, counts as difficult terrain. Once per [Round], at the end of its turn, a [Paralyzed] creature may make a Fortitude save with a DC equal to that of the save it failed against to receive this condition. A successful Fortitude save removes this condition. Unless otherwise stated, this condition lasts for one [Round]. This is a [Binding] effect.


A creature who becomes [Petrified] is [Helpless], though it is not rendered [Prone]. A [Flying] creature that becomes [Petrified] loses the [Flying] condition and suffers a Trivial Fall, or worse at the GM's discretion. A [Soaring] creature that becomes [Petrified] loses the [Soaring] condition and suffers a Hazardous Fall, or Dramatic Plunge at the GM's discretion. Once per [Round], at the end of its turn, a [Petrified] creature may make a Fortitude save with a DC equal to that of the save it failed against to receive this condition. A successful Fortitude save removes this condition but leaves the creature [Energy drained] by the source of the petrification. If this condition's duration ends, the creature is left [Energy drained] by the source of the petrification. Unless otherwise stated, the [Petrified] condition lasts for one [Round].


A [Pinned] creature is immobilized by an opponent, taking a -5 penalty to AC. It can only take one kind of action: as a move or standard action, it can remove the [Pinned] condition and become [Grappled] by the opponent by which it was pinned instead with a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 opponent's level + the higher of the opponent's Str or Dex modifiers). It may make this action even though it is [Grappled]. [Pinned] is a [Binding] effect.


The creature is on the ground or otherwise temporarily disoriented in its movement. It can move no more than 5 ft per [Round], cannot take 5 ft steps, takes a -3 penalty to melee attack rolls and is [Flat-footed] against melee attacks, but is [Covered] against ranged attacks. As a swift action which provokes attacks of opportunity, or as a move action which does not provoke attacks of opportunity, a creature can fall [Prone], or stand up and remove the [Prone] condition.



Whenever a creature with [Resistance] to a particular damage type or descriptor would take damage from that damage type or would take damage with that descriptor, it is reduced by that creature's character level, or if the effect granting that creature [Resistance] does not originate from that creature, the character level of the effect's source. If you would gain [Resistance] to the same damage type or descriptor from two sources, or if you would gain [Resistance] and [Lesser resistance] to the same damage type or descriptor, you gain [Greater resistance] to that damage type or descriptor instead. [Lesser resistance] does not stack with [Resistance].


This creature cannot benefit from being [Concealed] or [Fully concealed].

Unless otherwise noted, this condition lasts one [Round].



A [Shaken] creature takes a -2 penalty on d20 rolls. [Shaken] is a less severe state of fear than [Frightened] or [Panicked].

Unless otherwise noted, this condition expires at the end of the [Encounter].


The creature takes a -2 penalty on all d20 rolls.

Unless otherwise noted, this condition expires at the end of the [Encounter].


A [Slowed] creature must skip either a standard action or move action during his turn. If the creature already skips a standard action or all his move actions, this condition has no effect. Unless otherwise noted, this condition expires at the end of the [Encounter]. This is a [Binding] effect.


[Soaring] creatures are far enough above the ground that creatures who are not also [Soaring] cannot draw line of effect to them, and vice-versa. A [Soaring] creature are not within any range of non-[Soaring] creatures, and vice-versa. [Soaring] creatures are only considered adjacent to other [Soaring] creatures. [Soaring] creatures have [Immunity] to area effects created by non-[Soaring] creatures for as long as they are [Soaring], and non-[Soaring] creatures have [Immunity] to area effects created by [Soaring] creatures for as long as they are not [Soaring].

[Soaring] creatures ignore obstacles they can fly over that are not specifically identified as affecting [Soaring] creatures, such as walls without ceilings, and moving out of a square of difficult terrain does not cost them extra movement. A [Soaring] creature can move through the space of a non-[Soaring] creature, and vice versa, but cannot end a movement in that space. [Soaring] creatures have [Immunity] to [Ground] effects.

If a creature does not possess the Soar movement mode while [Soaring], it begins free-falling unless it possesses the Fly movement mode. Creatures with the Fly movement mode can continue [Soaring] on their own for the duration of a single [Encounter], after which they can manage a controlled fall. Creatures in free-fall while [Soaring] cannot move voluntarily except with [Teleport] effects, but remain [Soaring] for 5 [Rounds], during which they cease to fall if they gain the Fly or Soar movement mode. If a creature does not gain the Fly or Soar movement mode in time, it hits the ground; this is considered a Dramatic Plunge absent a forgiving GM.


A creature who has negative hit points but is not [Dying] is [Stable]. The creature remains [Unconscious] until it is raised to at least 0 hit points, revived with the Medicine skill, or the [Scene] ends, at which point it awakens [Disabled] and at negative hit points. A [Stable] creature that suffers any hit point damage ceases to be [Stable] and is [Dying] unless the hit point damage would make it [Dead].


A [Stunned] creature drops the weapon it is currently wielding, can't take actions, and suffers a -2 penalty to AC.

Unless otherwise noted, this condition lasts one [Round].


[Swimming] creatures are submerged, and must navigate with either the Athletics skill or the Swim movement mode. [Swimming] creatures are submerged deep enough that surfaced creatures treat them as outside their [Melee] range (and vice versa), but at a shallow enough depth that they can be targeted by ranged attacks and are caught in area effects. [Swimming] creatures are only considered adjacent to other [Swimming] creatures.

[Swimming] creatures ignore obstacles above the waves that are not specifically identified as affecting [Swimming] creatures, and moving out of a square of difficult terrain does not cost them extra movement. They are at risk for suffocation, however, unless they possess the Swim movement mode or don't need to breathe. A [Swimming] creature can move through the space of a creature that is not also [Swimming], and vice versa, but cannot end a movement in that space.

Once per [Round], a creature in an appropriate liquid may dive or surface. Diving requires a swift action, and allows the creature to begin [Swimming], which causes it to lose the [Burrowing] or [Flying] conditions if it possesses either. Surfacing requires an Athletics check as a move action with a DC equal to that of a check for the liquid medium the creature is currently swimming in. Success means the creature is no longer [Swimming]; failure means the creature continues [Swimming], but the action is still used up. Diving and surfacing both provoke attacks of opportunity. Unless otherwise specified, a [Swimming] creature is vulnerable to suffocation (Suffocation is a great band, and is also an Environmental Hazard).



An [Unconscious] creature is [Helpless] and does not have line of sight to any squares or creatures. Unless otherwise noted, this condition lasts until the end of the current [Scene].



Whenever an attack or ability would deal damage to a creature, if that creature has [Vulnerability] to one or more damage types and/or descriptors that damage has, it deals that much damage plus the character level of its source instead.