
From LegendWiki


Evocation [Death]
Circle: Shaman 6
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: [Close]
Effect: Wedge of necromantic energy with a length of your [Close] range
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude half

Dark energy pours from your fingertips, shooting through your enemies. You create a wedge witha length of your [Close] range originating from you. For each opponent in the wedge, the GM notes the amount of [HP reduction] it currently possesses. Each opponent in the area then suffers an amount of [HP reduction] equal to 7 times your level. A successful Fortitude save halves the amount of [HP reduction].

If the total of the amount of [HP reduction] an opponent suffers from this spell plus the amount of [HP reduction] noted for that opponent for this spell exceeds half its maximum HP, you deal damage to that opponent equal to the amount by which the total exceeds half that opponent's maximum HP, and that opponent becomes [Energy drained].