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Broken Ring

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Broken Ring

This old hunk of junk was once a powerful invisibility charm. Now it's almost unusable, and surges of ancient magic cause you great fright when activated.
Benefit: Once per [Scene], if you have yet to make any other actions on your turn you may become [Invisible] as a free action until the end of the [Encounter]. Doing so causes you to choose whether to fight or flee on this turn and at the beginning of your turn each [Round] for the rest of the [Encounter]. If you decide to flee, your only available actions until the beginning of your next turn are to Run, use your move action(s) to move, or make use of the Stealth skill. If you decide to fight you must skip either a standard action or move action during that turn (this has no effect if the creature already skips a standard action or all its move actions due to other conditions). If you are unable to flee you must fight.