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Discipline of the Dragon

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Discipline of the Dragon


1st Circle - Dance of the Sun and MoonEX

You embark upon the path of the Careful Sun or the Reckless Moon. Choose one of the following abilities (this choice is permanent):

  • Careful Sun: Once per [Encounter], when you make a successful Fortitude or Will save against an offensive action that would normally have a lesser effect on a successful save (such as a spell with a save of "Fortitude half"), you may instead ignore the effect entirely.
  • Reckless Moon: Once per [Encounter], when you make a successful Reflex saving throw against an offensive action that would normally have a lesser effect on a successful save (such as a spell with a save of "Reflex half"), you may instead ignore the effect entirely.

2nd Circle - Obsidian MindEX

Monks learn to protect their minds from the clouds of fear. You gain [Immunity] to [Fear] effects and the in-combat use of the Intimidate skill.

3rd Circle - Stance of the Falling StarEX

When knocked down, you are quick to get up for another exchange of punches and kicks. You gain [Immunity] to the [Prone] condition. In addition, as a swift action, you may become [Covered] for one [Round].

4th Circle - Diamond SoulEX

You have Resistance to energy and magic damage.

5th Circle - Cloak of the Sun and MoonEX

Your devotion to the Careful Sun or Reckless Moon provides additional benefits. Choose one of the following abilities (this choice is permanent):

  • Careful Sun: You gain [Immunity] to effects with the [Binding] descriptor.
  • Reckless Moon: Once per [Encounter], when you make a Reflex saving throw against an offensive action that normally deals half damage on a successful save, you may take no damage from that offensive action instead on a successful save, or take half damage from that offensive action instead on a failed save.

6th Circle - Jade HeartEX

You can absorb dark and harmful energies without suffering any ill effects. You gain [Immunity] to [Energy drained] and [Vulnerability], and to [Negative] effects.

7th Circle - Scales of GemsEX

Once per [Encounter], as a swift action, you may harden your hide to absorb devastating attacks without harm. Until the beginning of your next turn, you gain [Immunity] to damage and to the [Sickened], [Nauseated], [Dazed], and [Stunned] conditions.