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When you select this track, choose the [Acid], [Cold], [Electricity], or [Fire] descriptor. All abilities from this track carry that descriptor. All damage dealt by abilities from this track is energy damage with the chosen descriptor.

When you select this track, choose your highest Spellcasting Ability Modifier (SAM), or if you do not have a SAM, your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier. This becomes your Track Ability Modifier (TAM) for this track. The save DC for abilities under this track is equal to 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Track Ability Modifier.

Unless otherwise stated, all abilities under this track are spell-like abilities that can be activated once per [Encounter] as a standard action. If there are multiple options under any circle, you must choose between the options when you gain that circle. This choice is permanent.


1st Circle - Elemental BurstSLA

You can summon bursts of elemental energy. At will, you may deal energy damage equal to 1d6 per level you possess plus your TAM to each creature in target square within [Close] range. A successful save halves the damage. The save required is Reflex if you channel [Electricity] or [Fire] or Fortitude if you channel [Acid] or [Cold].

At 4th circle, you can activate this ability as a swift action once per [Round] in addition to activating it as a standard action.

In addition, whenever one of your abilities affects a creature with [Immunity] to your chosen element's descriptor, you may choose to treat their [Immunity] as if it were [Greater resistance] to that effect's damage.

2nd Circle - Elemental Finesse

Pick one of the following abilities (this choice is permanent):

  • Forced VulnerabilitySLA: You can hurl a bolt of energy at an opponent in [Medium] range, leaving it vulnerable to further attacks. This bolt deals 1d6 energy damage per level to that opponent and inflicts [Vulnerability] to your element of choice on the opponent until the end of your next turn. A successful Reflex save halves the damage and negates the [Vulnerability] condition.
  • Elemental ResistanceEX: You gain [Resistance] to your chosen descriptor. When you gain your 6th circle of Elementalist, you gain [Immunity] to your chosen descriptor.

3rd Circle - Shape the ElementsSLA

For each creature, the first time each [Round] that creature makes a save against one of your Elementalist abilities, if it fails, it is affected as follows:

In addition, choose one of the following abilities. This choice is permanent.

  • Elemental Ball: You can fire baseball-sized bits of energy... that explode! You may create a 20 ft radius spread originating from target square within [Long] range, dealing 1d6 energy damage per level to all creatures in the area and pushing each of them them to the closest square outside of the spread that is unoccupied by an obstacle. A successful Reflex save halves the damage and negates the pushing effect.
  • Elemental Bolt: You may create a line with a length of [Medium] range originating from you which deals 2d4 energy damage per level you possess to all creatures caught in its area and knocks those creatures [Prone]. A successful Reflex save halves the damage and negates the [Prone] condition.
  • Elemental Wave: You may create a wedge with a length of 15 ft plus 5 ft per character level you possess originating from you that deals 1d6 energy damage per character level you possess to all creatures in its area, and pushes them up to 5 ft per level, up to the outside edge of the wedge. A successful Reflex save halves the damage and negates the pushing effect.

4th Circle - Elemental ProtectionSLA

Pick one of the following abilities (this choice is permanent):

  • Elemental Wall: If there would be no creature occupying a square in the resulting area, you may create a line with a length of 10 ft per level originating from target square within [Medium] range which lasts for the remainder of the [Encounter]. For each creature, whenever that creature begins its turn on a square in the line or the first time each [Round] that creature enters a square in the line, it is dealt 2 points of energy damage per level you possess and gains the condition corresponding to your chosen descriptor, as detailed below.
  • Elemental Shield: You gain the ability to shield a creature with your chosen element. Once per [Encounter] as a move action, you may grant protection to all allies within [Close] range. For each opponent, the first time each [Round] that opponent hits a creature protected by this ability with a melee attack, that opponent takes 1 point of energy damage per level you possess. The protection granted by this effect lasts until the end of the [Encounter].

5th Circle - Elemental StrikeSLA

You gain one of the following abilities, depending on your chosen descriptor:

  • Evoker’s Fearsome Wrath: If you channel [Fire] or [Electricity], you may create one 5 ft radius spread per 2 levels, each originating from a target square within [Medium] range. Each spread deals 1d6 energy damage per level to creatures in its radius. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The spreads cannot overlap.
  • Conjurer’s Insidious Doom: If you chose [Acid] or [Cold] for this track, you may create a 45 ft radius spread originating from target square within [Medium] range which blocks line of sight but is penetrated by [Darkvision], [Tremorsense], and [Ghostwise sight]. Each creature in the spread is dealt energy damage equal to your level and suffers a -10 ft penalty to its movement speed until the spread disappears, reducing its movement speed to a minimum of 5 ft. At the beginning of your next turn, each creature in the spread or that has been dealt damage from this ability is dealt energy damage equal to twice your level; and each creature in the area suffers the following penalties until the spread disappears: a -20 ft penalty to its movement speed, to a minimum of 0 ft, and a -2 penalty on all attack rolls.
    On your following turn, each creature in the spread or that has been dealt damage from this ability takes energy damage equal to three times your level; and each creature in the spread suffers the following penalties until the spread disappears: a -30 ft penalty to its movement speed, to a minimum of 0 ft, a -4 penalty on all attack rolls, and a -2 penalty on all saving throws (remember that penalties from the same ability do not stack). On your following turn, the spread disappears.

6th Circle - Elemental MasteryEX

Whenever you deal damage with your chosen descriptor, any [Resistance] to that descriptor is calculated as if the level of its source was halved.

7th Circle - Elemental RiftSU

You may create four 50 ft spreads each originating from target square(s) within [Medium] range, each of which lasts for the rest of the [Encounter] and deals 1d6 energy damage per level you possess to creatures within its area when it is created and at the beginning of your turn each [Round]. A successful Reflex halves the damage. A given spread may overlap another one so long as they do not cover the exact same squares, but a given creature may only be dealt damage by these spreads up to 3 times per [Round].