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From LegendWiki
+2 Dex [Small] size
[Humanoid] type
+1 to Will saves
30 ft movement speed
Bonus Feats Any one

Small and quick, halflings tend not to meddle in the affairs of larger creatures. Since they can generally choose whether or not to be noticed, halflings generally prefer to congregate in small farming towns and to send out caravans to carry out any necessary commercial transactions. In general, halflings just want to be left in peace, and will do just about anything to stay that way, until they can't. Halflings are naturally strong-willed creatures, and the one thing no halfling will tolerate is bullying. One of the most feared sounds on any battlefield is that of joyful halfling war songs, songs which most often seem to sound from everywhere and nowhere at once, just before the arrows and sling stones begin to fly.

Halfling Society

Life is far from easy for a humanoid creature small enough to be picked up and thrown on a whim by nearly any average-size adult human. While being shoved around by a creature in your own size category will probably be more psychologically damaging than physically threatening, being shoved around by a creature twice your size is a borderline-lethal threat. Halflings do not like being bullied, and their society reflects the need for collective defense against large, scary enemies. Most halfling enclaves number between a few hundred and a couple of thousand inhabitants, and if the need for defense arises fully half of the population is generally available for armed retaliation against whatever has threatened the homes of the little folk.

In more peaceful times, halfling communities tend to be free and unthreatening. Most halfling rulers are popularly elected; their duties are generally limited to ensuring that predators and enemies are kept out and monitoring halfling trading caravans based in the ruler's own enclave. Such caravans are considered valuable sources of information and imported goods, and therefore any halfling chief or ruler possesses extensive authority over all caravans originating in his or her enclave. Halflings that are not part of an enclave often find themselves working as spies, burglars, or in some other business that rewards quickness and the ability to easily hide.

Halfling names tend to be relatively similar to human names. Examples include Thomas Berey, Nicholas Blackwell, Miriam Everclear, Estella Hartley, Daisy Littleton, Della Mott, Emma Norwood, Tyrone Townsend, Lucas Wakefield, and Cedric Woodbridge.

Halfling Technology Magic

Most halfling communities are relatively self-sufficient, producing both simple and functional tools for local use and unusual artwork and trinkets for outside trade. Wealthy or adventurous halflings often collect and prize weapons and magic items from foreign lands, and caravanners in particular tend to maintain supply and weapons caches in case of attack or other emergency.