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Smiting: The Seven Circles of War

All bonuses from this track are fury bonuses, which stack with other fury bonuses from this track. At the beginning of your turn, you may choose not to benefit from fury bonuses to attack rolls, damage, and save DCs until the beginning of your next turn. Attacks and abilities that benefit from a fury bonus to attack rolls, damage, or save DCs cannot also deal damage with the [Precision] descriptor.


1st Circle - SkirmishEX

When you miss on an attack roll against an opponent, add a +1 bonus to your attack rolls for the duration of the [Encounter]. This bonus stacks with itself up to the higher of 2 or your level, but cannot be added to more than once per attack.

2nd Circle - ConflictEX

Your attacks gain a bonus to damage equal to your Charisma modifier.

3rd Circle - StruggleEX

The second time you hit a single opponent during your turn, you gain a bonus to damage against that opponent equal to your Charisma modifier for one [Round]. The fourth time you hit an opponent during your turn, your bonus to damage against that opponent from this ability increases to twice your Charisma modifier. (These bonuses apply to damage from the attacks with which you hit the second and fourth time.)

4th Circle - EscalationEX

Whenever your Struggle ability activates, you may inflict the [Battered] condition for one [Round] on the opponent you hit to activate Struggle. The duration of this condition increases by one [Round] for every time you hit the opponent again. Additionally, once per [Round], if you hit a [Battered] opponent with an attack, that opponent becomes [Dazed] for one [Round]. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your Charisma modifier) negates the [Dazed] condition.

5th Circle - AnnihilationEX

When you Charge, your attacks gain a bonus to damage equal to your Charisma modifier for the duration of the [Encounter]. This ability stacks with itself up to two times.

6th Circle - Scorched EarthEX

If you are reduced to less than half of your normal maximum HP, your attacks gain a bonus to damage equal to your Charisma modifier for the duration of the [Encounter] or until you are healed above that threshold.

7th Circle - War EngineEX

Whenever you hit an opponent with an attack, that opponent becomes [Battered] and suffers a penalty to its AC equal to your Charisma modifier until the end of the [Encounter].