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Rogues who choose the Swashbuckler track focus on elegant, mobile combat - preferably one-on-one so that they can isolate an opponent and show off properly. Your Key Offensive Modifier is Dexterity since you value quick mobility and finesse.


1st Circle - Dance With MeEX

Whenever you move at least 10 ft, your next attack this [Round] deals additional damage with the [Precision] descriptor equal to your KDM plus your character level.

2nd Circle - Once More!EX

When you spend a standard action to make a single attack that is not part of a spell-like ability or spell, and then move at least 10 ft during the same [Round], you may make a single melee attack at the end of your movement. This attack, called a Once More! attack, can be made another time at the end of each additional instance of movement after moving at least 10 more ft. The required distance may comprise a single movement or multiple movements (such as a pair of 5 ft steps), but a Once More! attack can only be made when a movement ends. If the movement is made as part of an action, you can likewise only activate Once More! at the end of that action. At 2nd circle you may only make one Once More! attack per [Round]. This expands to two Once More! attacks per [Round] at 4th circle, and three Once More! attacks per [Round] at 6th circle.

3rd Circle - Dirty FightingEX

Your speed and finesse leave opponents demoralized and bruised, even before they are defeated. The first time you hit any opponent with a Once More! attack this [Round], your opponent becomes [Battered] for two [Rounds]. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your KOM) negates the [Battered] condition.

4th Circle - Kick Him While He's DownEX

Once you begin to throw down, you have a knack of taking the advantage and running with it. Once per [Round], after making an attack during your turn, you may immediately take two free 5 ft steps (even if you used or will use a move action to move) and make a [Bonus attack].

5th Circle - Concussive ImpactEX

You disorient your opponents with lightning-fast strikes. If you hit an opponent with two Once More! attacks in the same [Round], they become [Confused] for one [Round].

6th Circle - PanacheEX

You mercilessly take advantage of openings in your opponents' defenses. Any time an opponent provokes an attack of opportunity from you, you may move 10 ft in any direction before making your attack of opportunity. In addition, every time you hit an opponent with a Once More! attack, you may move the target 10 ft in any direction. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

7th Circle - Topsy TurvyEX

Sometimes you roll with the punches and sometimes the punches roll with you. Your Panache ability may now move each opponent within your [Melee] range after you hit an opponent with a Once More! attack instead of just the opponent hit. Once per [Round] for each opponent moved, if your opponent is adjacent to an obstacle or occupied square and you are able to push them 5 ft or further, you may forgo any further movement from that activation of Panache to render that opponent [Prone]. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your KOM) negates the [Prone] condition.