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Transmutation [Positive]
Circle: Shaman 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: [Close]
Target: Creature within [Close]
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None

You heal the target creature 5d4 HP, plus 6 HP per character level you possess, and remove up to 3 of the following conditions currently affecting the creature: [Battered], [Bleeding], [Blinded], [Burning], [Confused], [Dazed], [Dazzled], [Deafened], [Energy drained], [Exhausted], [Fatigued ], [Frightened ], [Nauseated ], [Paralyzed], [Shaken], [Sickened], [Slowed], or [Stunned]. If this spell targets a creature that is damaged by [Positive] effects, it functions as harm instead, except it is not a [Negative] effect.

Reversal - Harm

Transmutation [Negative] [Death]
Saving Throw: Will half; see text

You deal 7 damage per level you possess to the target as a [Death] effect. A successful Will save halves the damage. If this spell targets a creature that is healed by [Negative] effects, it functions as heal instead, except it is not a [Positive] effect.