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Tactical Insight

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Tactical Insight

You spend your time reading obscure field manuals and tomes. As a result, you and your allies are well prepared for nearly any fight you face. As part of a move action, you can attempt a Knowledge skill check of the relevant type against your opponent (Arcana against an [Outsider], for example). If there are several opponents of the same creature type, the ability affects all of them; opponents with different creature types require additional skill checks (requiring additional partial move actions). The DC of the check is equal to 10 + the level of the highest-level opponent of that creature type (minimum 11). If you succeed on the check, you and allies who can establish line of sight to you or receive your communication gain the benefits of one of the abilities that you know from the list below. You can make any number of Knowledge checks in this way per [Encounter] as long as you spend an action for each, but you cannot apply the same ability to the same creature type more than once during the [Encounter].

Opponents that join an [Encounter] in progress are affected by any Knowledge skill checks that were made for these abilities this [Encounter] that have affected opponents of their creature type.

The effects of a Tactical Insight ability expire at the end of the [Encounter] with new Knowledge skill checks necessary the next time you encounter that opponent.


1st Circle - Combative PrecognitionEX

You and your allies may gain either a +3 bonus to attack rolls or a +3 deflection bonus to Armor Class against opponents affected by your Knowledge skill check. You choose which bonus to apply when activating your Tactical Insight ability. When you gain the 3rd circle of this track, you no longer have to choose: you gain both benefits of Combative Precognition whenever you activate it.

2nd Circle - Psychological WarfareEX

You and your allies may gain a +2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Perception checks against opponents affected by your Knowledge skill check.

3rd Circle - Precognitive ResistanceEX

You and your allies may gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against effects used or abilities activated by opponents affected by your Knowledge skill check.

4th Circle - Exploit WeaknessEX

You and your allies may gain a +2 bonus to the DC of any abilities you or they activate against opponents affected by your Knowledge skill check.

5th Circle - Advanced InsightsEX

Pick one of the following abilities. This choice is permanent:

  • Quick Insight: You can activate your Tactical Insight ability as a swift action.
  • Deep Insight: Choose one of your Tactical Insight circles other than this one. You increase the bonus granted by that circle by 1.

6th Circle - CountermeasuresEX

Once per [Encounter] as an immediate action, you may automatically cancel a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability that an opponent affected by your Knowledge skill check attempts to activate. The ability automatically fails. The ability counts as having been activated for the purpose of any resource cost (such as spell slots), and if an action was spent for the ability, the action counts as having been used.

7th Circle - Unspeakable SecretEX

Once per [Encounter] as a swift action, you may divulge a secret so profound that it renders a single opponent affected by your Knowledge skill check [Stunned] for one [Round]. There is no save allowed, and if the opponent has [Immunity] to being [Stunned] the opponent is [Dazed] instead. If the opponent has [Immunity] to both, the ability has no effect, but you really should have known about its [Immunity] beforehand.