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HP / Level 8 BAB Good Skills 6
Fort Ref Will
Good Poor Good


+2 Wis [Average] size
[Outside] type
[Lesser resistance] to [Fire]
Bonus Feats The Sun Grows Dim
Lightbender Adept
Summon Mote

Celestials are graceful beings with ancestry that can be traced back to some sort of higher power. However, not all celestials are benevolent. Some celestials are all too keen to bring down judgment upon any they see as a threat to their cause, whatever that may be.


1st Circle - Divine RadianceSU

At will as a free action, if you do not already have a radiant spread, you may create a radiant spread with a radius of your [Close] originating from you that moves with you and lasts until dismissed as a swift action. This spread causes opponents in it to lose the [Covered] condition and be [Revealed]. Any opponent who leaves the spread is [Revealed] for one [Round] and cannot benefit from the [Covered] condition for one [Round]. As a swift action, you may increase the light's brightness momentarily, leaving all opponents within the radiant spread [Dazzled] for 5 [Rounds]. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your Wisdom modifier) reduces the duration of the [Dazzled] condition to 1 [Round].

2nd Circle - Sway the HeavensEX

Your attacks awe opponents with their wondrous grace. Once per [Round], if you hit an opponent that has been [Revealed] by your Divine Radiance with an attack, you may cause that opponent to be unable to make attacks of opportunity for one [Round]. This does not require an action. You may activate this ability an additional time per [Round] for every circle of Celestial you possess above 2nd.

3rd Circle - Path to Glory

You gain one of the following abilities:

  • Angelic WingsEX: You gain a pair of wings and the Fly movement mode.
  • Prophetic VisionsSU: Brief glimpses into the future offer you keen insight into battle. Once per [Round] when you activate Divine Radiance as a swift action you may gain a +3 bonus to attack rolls or Armor Class until the beginning of your next turn.

4th Circle - BenedictionSU

You gain one of the following abilities:

  • Strength of Faith: Twice per [Encounter] you can activate the Divine Radiance ability as an immediate action and replace the Armor Class or one saving throw bonus of an ally within the range of your Divine Radiance with your own for one [Round]. When you do so, you may benefit from other abilities you possess that trigger when you activate Divine Radiance as a swift action.
  • Aura of Vitality: You gain [Immunity] to the [Blinded] condition. In addition, twice per [Encounter] when you activate Divine Radiance as a swift action, you may grant all allies within the range of your Divine Radiance 2 temporary HP per level you possess.

5th Circle - Harmonious ScalesSLA

You gain one of the following abilities:

6th Circle - Righteous WrathEX

You gain one of the following abilities:

  • Strike Senseless: The first time you hit an opponent with an attack each [Round], that opponent is [Blinded] and [Deafened] for 1 [Round]. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your Wisdom modifier) negates the [Blinded] and [Deafened] conditions.
  • That Hideous Strength: Once per [Round] when you make an attack you may force all enemies within the area of your Divine Radiance to make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your Wisdom modifier) or be [Battered] for 2 [Rounds].

7th Circle - Divine MercySU

Once per [Encounter] when you activate Divine Radiance as a swift action you call down a shield of blistering light which grants a single ally within [Long] range [Immunity] to damage for a single [Round].