
From LegendWiki
HP / Level 10 BAB Good Skills 5
Fort Ref Will
Good Poor Good
KOM Varies KDM Varies


Undead creatures are, simply put, creatures that in a previous-and-irrelevant life were alive, and now are not. However, they still manage to walk, talk, and break things. Sentient undead (who can be played by PCs) come in one of five main kinds: mummies, ghouls, liches, skeleton champions, and vampires. Each one has its own racial statistics. Your Key Ability Modifiers and abilities from the Undead track vary based on your race.

  • Special: The Undead track models creatures that have been stripped of their past lives and many of their previous physical and mental characteristics. Characters that access the Undead track via Guild Initiation or Full Buy-In must select an [Undead] race from the list below, but are not required to change a previously-acquired racial track, racial feats, or Key Ability Modifiers.
  • Optional Rule – Ritual of the Grave: Any creature possessing the Undead track can grant the mixed blessing of undeath to a fallen creature. With a ritual lasting 30 minutes, you can transform an [Unconscious] or willing living creature into an undead creature of the same kind that you are. This creature can be of any level up to your own and must have Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores of 1 or greater. When you transform this creature, it loses one of its tracks of your choice and gains the Undead track.

Undead Races

Unlike standard races, these may only be taken along with the Undead racial track.


+2 Str
+2 Con
-2 Wis
[Average] size
[Undead] type
[Ghostwise sight] 45 ft
Bonus Feats Feign Death
Ghoulish Enthusiasm

Ghouls are vicious and ravenous creatures who only marginally resemble their living forms. They are strong and fierce, but weak-willed at best.

A ghoul’s Key Offensive Modifier is Strength and its Key Defensive Modifier is Constitution.


+2 Int or Wis [Average] size
[Undead] type
[Ghostwise sight] 45 ft
+1 (+1/8 levels) racial bonus to Arcana
Bonus Feats Lich's Wrath
Safekeeper Adept
The Sun Grows Dim

Liches are the dried-out husks of mortal spellcasters who craved the power of magic too strongly. Undeath only sharpens their mental acuity.

A lich's Key Offensive Modifier is Intelligence and its Key Defensive Modifier is Wisdom.


+2 Cha [Average] size
[Undead] type
[Ghostwise sight] 45 ft
Bonus Feats Keep Them in Line
On a Pale Horse
Terrifying Shout

Mummies are preserved in body by enchanted bandages wrapped around their bodies, but their minds are warped by the transformation, and few mummies remember much of their past lives.

A mummy’s Key Offensive Modifier is Strength, and its Key Defensive Modifier is Charisma.

Skeleton Champion

+2 Any Physical [Average] size
[Undead] type
[Ghostwise sight] 45 ft
Bonus Feats By Will Sustained
Skeleton King
Any [Style] feat

Skeleton champions might once have been knights, swashbucklers, or kings. It is certain, however, that all lived for the heat of battle, and the magical forces that bind their bones together are most strengthened by the clash of steel on steel.

A skeleton champion’s Key Offensive Modifier is Strength and its Key Defensive Modifier is either Dexterity or Intelligence (chosen at character generation).


+2 Any One [Average] size
[Undead] type
[Ghostwise sight] 45 ft
Bonus Feats Blood Thirst
Exit, Stage Left
Breakneck Pace

Vampires feed on the blood of creatures that have it. Some are thoroughly demonic; some may have a conscience or even something like a soul. None are sparkly.

A vampire’s Key Offensive Modifier is Dexterity and its Key Defensive Modifier is Charisma.


1st Circle - ConsumptionSU

You gain an ability based on what kind of undead you are.

  • Ghoul – Horrible Bite: You draw strength from the flesh of sentient creatures. Once per [Round], when you hit an opponent with your Ghoul Bite natural weapon, you may cause that opponent to become [Sickened] for one [Round] and heal yourself 1 hit point per level. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your KOM) negates the [Sickened] condition and the healing. You also gain the Ghoul Bite natural weapon:
  • Lich – Undying Magecraft: You draw strength from ambient magical energy. Whenever you cast a spell or spell-like ability, or an effect created by a spell or spell-like ability is ended by a [Dispelling] effect within [Close] range, you heal 1 hit point per 2 character levels, minimum 1. At will, as a standard action, you may also use magic missile, as the spell, as a spell-like ability.
  • Mummy – Growing Horror: You draw strength from the fear of surrounding mortals. Every time an opponent within [Close] range fails a saving throw against a [Fear] effect, you regain 1 hit point per level. The first opponent you hit each [Round] must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your KOM) or become [Shaken] for one [Round].
  • Vampire – Bloodlust: You draw strength from feeding on blood. Whenever you deal damage with your Vampire Bite natural weapon, you heal half the damage dealt, to a maximum of your Key Offensive Modifier. Abilities or effects that would increase this ability’s healing do so only once per [Round]. You gain the Vampire Bite natural weapon:
  • Skeleton Champion – Devastating Strike: At the beginning of an [Encounter], you gain a focus point. Once per [Round], when an ally in [Close] range activates a spell, spell-like, or supernatural ability, takes an offensive action, or is affected by an offensive action, you gain a focus point. In addition, you may spend 3 focus points during an attack action to make a [Bonus attack] and heal 1 hit point per level.

2nd Circle - Strength in Decay

You gain powers that few mortals can rival.

  • Ghoul – Unholy RegenerationEX: You gain [Fast healing] equal to your KDM.
  • Lich – Sorcerous EnduranceEX: Choose either [Cold] or [Electricity]. You gain [Resistance] to the chosen element. At 6th circle, this improves to [Resistance] to energy damage.
  • Mummy – Well EmbalmedEX: You now feed on courage as well as fear. You gain [Lesser resistance] to physical damage. Whenever a creature other than yourself within [Close] range ignores a [Fear] effect due to an [Immunity] to [Fear], you regain 1 hit point per 2 levels you possess.
  • Vampire – DiscorporationSU: At will, as a swift action, you can turn into a swarm of bats, mist, or similar form to move between opponents and around obstacles (and even through cracks in walls) with ease. For one [Round], you do not provoke attacks of opportunity while moving and gain the Fly movement mode. You may enter occupied squares, but if you end your movement in an occupied square, you are shunted to the last unoccupied square you entered.
  • Skeleton Champion – Rattling BonesSU: Once per [Round], as a swift action, as long as you possess at least 1 focus point, you may gain a +2 bonus to your next attack roll, and deal additional energy damage with the [Acid], [Cold], [Electricity], or [Fire] descriptor equal to your KOM whenever you deal damage with an attack for one [Round].

3rd Circle - The Flesh is StrongEX

You gain [Immunity] to [Fear], [Bleeding], and the in-combat use of Intimidate.

4th Circle - The Blight Spreads

You gain a powerful attack depending on what kind of undead you are:

  • Ghoul – Infected BiteEX: Whenever you hit an opponent with an attack using your Ghoul Bite natural weapon, that opponent gains [Vulnerability] to physical damage for 1 [Round].
  • Lich – Hellfire EmpowermentSU: You gain a +2 bonus to the DCs of spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities you possess. Spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities you possess that have one or more targets within a range category may be used as if the range category within which you can choose your target(s) is one range category higher, to a maximum of [Extreme] range. Whenever an opponent is dealt damage by or fails a save against one of your spells, spell-like abilities, or supernatural abilities, you may cause that opponent to become [Burning].
  • Mummy – Fear AuraSU: For each opponent, the first time that opponent begins its turn within or enters your [Melee] range in an [Encounter], you may choose to give that opponent a terrifying gaze that causes that opponent to become [Shaken]. A successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your KOM) negates the [Shaken] condition.
  • Vampire – Entrancing GazeSLA: Once per [Encounter], as a standard action, you may gain the effects of a sanctuary spell with a DC of 10 + 1/2 your level + your KOM and cause all opponents within [Close] range to become [Confused] for three [Rounds]. A successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your KOM) negates the [Confused] condition.
  • Skeleton Champion – Fury of the DeadEX: Once per [Round], you may replace one attack from your attack action with the Bull Rush, Disarm, or Trip combat maneuver. The Disarm and Trip combat maneuvers are made with the same attack bonus as the replaced attack.

5th Circle - Necrotic AuraSU

Each opponent takes a penalty to all d20 rolls based on how close it is to you:

  • a -3 penalty within your [Melee] range,
  • a -2 penalty within your [Close] range,
  • and a -1 penalty within your [Medium] range.

These penalties do not stack and expire as soon as the opponent leaves the area of effect.

6th Circle - Contagion

You gain an ability based on what kind of undead you are.

  • Ghoul – HeartstopperSU: You radiate an aura of decay. Any effect that would heal an opponent within [Medium] range heals 2 fewer points per level, to a minimum of 1 hit point healed.
  • Lich – Arcane InsightSLA: Once per [Encounter], as a swift action, you may use greater dispel magic, as the spell.
  • Mummy – Contagious TouchSU: As a standard action, you may make a single attack. On a hit, you deal damage as normal and inflict a -3 penalty to attack rolls and a -5 penalty to damage until the end of the [Encounter]. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your KOM) negates these penalties. Additionally, once per [Round], as a swift action, you may inflict a -3 penalty to attack rolls and a -5 penalty to damage until the end of the [Encounter] on any creature within 5 ft + 5 ft per 5 levels you possess of a creature already penalized by Contagious Touch. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your KOM) negates these penalties.
  • Vampire – Child of ShadowsSU: You gain [Fast healing] equal to your character level. In addition, you may now use your Discorporation ability as a free action. Whenever you use Discorporation, for one [Round], whenever you move, you may make any opponent within [Melee] range of your movement path [Shaken] for the rest of the [Encounter]. A successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your KOM) negates the [Shaken] condition. You may only make each opponent [Shaken] with this ability once per [Encounter].
  • Skeleton Champion – Eternal WarriorEX: You gain [Lesser resistance] to all damage. Whenever you would be dealt damage, you can spend a focus point to increase your [Lesser resistance] from this ability to [Resistance] against that damage, or two focus points to increase your [Lesser resistance] from this ability to [Greater resistance] against that damage.

7th Circle - No RequiemSU

Heroes who manage to strike you down are doomed to frustration. Once per [Scene], if you become [Dead] or are rendered [Unconscious], you return to undeath after 1 [Round] with full hit points. You may delay your revival or choose not to return at all.